Purchasing an Apple device with in excess of 80% battery health is important because it directly impacts the device's performance, usability, and overall lifespan. Here’s why this is critical:
1. Battery Performance and Capacity
· Battery Degradation: Over time, lithium-ion batteries naturally degrade, meaning they lose their ability to hold a full charge. Apple considers a battery with over 80% health to still be functioning at a level where it can adequately support the device's needs. Below this threshold, the battery's capacity is significantly reduced, which means it can no longer hold as much charge as it once did, leading to shorter usage times between charges.
· User Experience: A device with lower battery health will require more frequent charging, which can be inconvenient and may disrupt your daily use, especially if you're used to going a full day without needing to recharge.
2. Performance Throttling
· Battery and Performance Management: Apple devices are designed to protect their internal components from the effects of an aging battery. When battery health drops below a certain level, the device may automatically throttle performance to prevent unexpected shutdowns. This means that a device with battery health below 80% might not only last shorter on a charge but also operate more slowly. This reduced performance can affect everything from the speed of opening apps to overall system responsiveness.
· Battery Manipulation: Opposingly, if the device has received falsely modified reprogramming, the device will not act as it should hence it won’t automatically throttle performance to prevent unexpected shutdowns giving even worse performance and consumer experience.
3. Resale Value
· Market Perception: Devices with higher battery health tend to have a better resale value. When buying a used device, consumers often check battery health as a key factor in determining how much the device is worth. A battery with over 80% health indicates that the device is still in relatively good condition, making it more desirable and potentially allowing for a higher resale price.
· Ease of Sale: Devices with poor battery health may be harder to sell because potential buyers are wary of having to replace the battery soon after purchase. If the battery is below 80%, prospective buyers might negotiate a lower price or avoid the purchase altogether.
4. Replacement Costs
· Battery Replacement Costs: If a device has a battery health of less than 80%, the user might soon face the need to replace the battery to maintain acceptable performance and usability. Apple’s battery replacement services, while effective, can be very costly, especially for newer models. Purchasing a device with over 80% battery health can delay or even eliminate the need for this added expense.
· Fraudulent Manipulation: It is considered easier, in some cases to overwrite the batteries health information with figures that are more palatable to aid its sale and achieve higher margins. Saving the need of a replacement battery and accompanying engineering costs. This is a market wide issue that has been caused by unscrupulous refurbishers. NB: Not all refurbishers do this!
· Warranty Considerations: Apple offers battery replacement under warranty if the health drops below 80% within the warranty period. Providing the device hasn’t received any customer induced damage. However, if buying a second-hand device, the warranty might already be expired, making the replacement cost entirely the new owners responsibility.
5. Device Longevity
· Prolonged Usability: A device with good battery health is more likely to serve the user well for a longer period. By starting with a device that has over 80% true battery health, consumers can expect a longer duration before the battery degrades to a level where it affects usability, thereby extending the device's practical life.
In summary, don’t get caught out purchasing an Apple device with over 80% battery health assuming that it is correct. Buying from a trusted source that has thoroughly checked is the only way to ensure better performance, longer battery life, and higher resale value while minimizing the need for costly repairs or battery replacements. This consideration is especially crucial when buying used or refurbished devices, where battery health can be manipulated and significantly influence the overall value and longevity of the product.
